Dr. Shaheen Hokabaj
(M.B.B.S., M.S. Obstetrics & Gynecology)
- May 2015: Diplomate of National Board (D.N.B) Obstetric and Gynaecology
- Feb 2007: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Science (M.B.B.S.)
- USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Exam) - Step 1 - 2007, Step 2 CK - 2008, Step 2 CS - 2008, Step 3 - 2009

Professional experience
- August 2015 – May2016: AMC MET MEDICAL COLLEGE, L.G HOSPITAL, AHMEDABAD Junior Resident in Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- June 2012 - July 2015: C.S.I HOLDSWORTH MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, MYSORE, KARNATAKA D.N.B Resident in Department of Obstetric and Gynaecology
- April 2010 – June 2012: STERLING HOSPITAL, AHMEDABAD, INDIA Medical Officer in ICU
- July 2009 – Sep 2009: MT. SINAI SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, JAMAICA, NY, USA Clinical Externship – Neurology
- May 2009 – Jun 2009: WESTERN RESERVE CARE SYSTEM, NORTH SIDE HOSPITAL, OHIO Clinical Observer - Internal Medicine
- Aug 2007 – Feb 2008: NEWYORK MEDICAL COLLEGE, NY, USA Master of Public Health
- Oct 2006 – May 2007: CHHIPA WELFARE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL, AHMEDABAD, INDIA Chief Medical Officer In charge
Clinical experience
- Experience in major and minor obstetrics and gynaecological procedures
- Individually handling normal and abnormal labour
- Performing Instrumental Delivery
- Independently handled Caesarean deliveries including emergency caesarean deliveries.
- Experience in management of obstetric emergencies like ruptured ectopic pregnancy, twisted ovarian cyst
- Assisting gynaecologist in various laparoscopic surgeries
- Participation in cases and seminar presentations
- Knowledge and experience in performing basic ultrasonography
Oral presentation
- First Trimester vaginal bleeding and its maternal and perinatal outcome: A prospective cohort study” presented a Free paper at AICOG 2017 conference.
- Following cases were presented at quaterly interdepartmental academic meeting in CSI Holdsworth Memorial hospital, Mysore
- Case of Vulvar Neurofibroma
- Uterine Fibroid complicating Pregnancy and proceeded with Caesarean myomectomy
- Pregnancy with Uterus didelphys
- Role of DHEA in case of secondary amennorrhoea
Poster presentataion
- “Case Series of fragments of bone in uterine cavity as a cause of seconday infertility” poster presentation in UROGYNAEC 2016
- “A Journey of a woman with uterus didelphys from infertility treatment to delivery of full term pregnancy. “ Presented at: South Zone Yuva FOGSI 2014
Paper presentataion
- Multiple scientific research study paper and case reports in national and international journals