
Free PAP test for women
On 17 th September,2021, Our Honorable Prime Minister’s birthday, we had organized free pap smear (pep test) for women at Sneh Hospital & IVF center, Bodakdev. Around 100+ women participated and showed their great interest to come over here for test. This special event aimed at encouraging the women to get awareness about their health which is mandatory especially, nowadays.

Hat-trick Achievement for Sneh Hospital
it’s raining Accolades and Awards for Sneh Hospital and Infertility Centre, not one , not two, but 3 Awards in a row within the last 10 days, under the able hands of Dr. Nisarg Dharaiya & his team.

India's Top 20 Healthcare Achievers Award, 2022
Well, another momentous occasion in Sneh Hospital’s life. It is an even greater honor to be placed in such distinguished ranks in appreciation For Spreading of Positivity and Outstanding Dedication And Valuable Contribution Towards the Nation in Medical Profession.