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How To Monitor Ovulation To Improve The Likelihood Of Pregnancy?

The ovulation phase of a woman’s cycle is among the most crucial ones for fertility. The developed egg leaves the ovary during ovulation. Ovulation usually occurs around the middle of the cycle, but the exact day can change. A woman who has irregular periods will also have irregular ovulation. Anovulation and irregular menstrual cycles are also possible in some people.

How Important Ovulation Is? 

To get pregnant, the mature egg must be released from the ovary. Knowing when your body ovulates can improve your chances of getting pregnant because the window of ovulation is only 12 to 24 hours long. More importantly, understanding your body’s ovulation cycle—or lack thereof—can serve as an early buzzer for when medical attention is necessary.

Is this my period?

You are probably ovulating if your periods are regular. There are, however, certain exceptions, and while you wouldn’t normally experience a period without ovulation, the endometrium can still shed, leading you to mistakenly assume that you have. There are numerous ways to identify ovulation, but only a few are certain. It’s crucial to seek medical help if you’re having problems determining when you ovulate or believe you may not be ovulating frequently.

There are a few ways you might try to determine your ovulation at home if your periods are regular.

Charting a BBT

Basal Body Temperature, or BBT for short, is the temperature of your body when you first wake up. Your BBT may slightly increase following ovulation. You can determine whether or not you are ovulating with this technique. Charting your BBT can only prove your ovulation after it has already occurred, not while it is happening. As a result, you must make a commitment to using the charting method for a few months. In order to forecast the timing of your upcoming ovulation, you are searching for a pattern.

There is a lot of space for mistake even though this can help you understand your ovulation patterns. You run the risk of getting an incorrect reading if you’re sick, under stress, taking your temperature at multiple times of the day, or if your sleep is disturbed. Here are some suggestions to assist you receive the most accurate results if you choose to monitor your BBT:

  • – Upon waking, take your temperature right away. This implies before you take any action. Before you even sit up! The temperature elevation is so little that even the simplest activities can have an impact.
  • – For reliable readings, use a digital thermometer set to your basal body temperature.
  • – Maintain a routine and rise at the same time every day.

Test Kits for Urine

 Ovulation tests look for LH (Luteinizing Hormone), which is secreted from the body just before ovulation. If your test is positive, you’ve experienced an LH surge, and ovulation will occur 12 to 36 hours later. It is advised that you start testing on day 11 of your cycle and keep doing so until either day 20 or until you ovulate (whichever comes first). The kits use a urine sample, much like pregnancy tests do. The manual exams make you compare a line to a control line and can be challenging to read, further confusing you.

Although digital test kits are more expensive, they will provide you with a clear result. Given that every brand and kind of kit can differ, make sure to adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations. It’s crucial to understand that these tests are not error-free. False positive results are possible. Furthermore, these tests won’t be helpful and can just be aggravating if your cycles are absent or irregular.

Be Aware of Your Body

Even while none of these symptoms are a guarantee that you are ovulating, your body can still give you indicators. Observing these can aid in ovulation detection. Some, all, or none of these things could happen. Here are some indicators to watch out for:

  • – Ovulation discomfort: A severe abdominal pain that starts around mid-cycle
  • – Enhanced sex desire
  • – Cervical mucus that resembles raw eggs Keep track of when your cervical mucus appears throughout your cycle. You might be ovulating if it gets stickier and thicker, like a raw egg.
  • – Breast sensitivity: This is typically noted following ovulation

I believe I am ovulating. Now what?

You should schedule regular sex 5 days prior to and on the day of ovulation if one of the aforementioned techniques has assisted you in identifying your ovulation.

When to Visit our Physician?

The aforementioned techniques might not work at all if your periods are irregular, unusually long, or abnormally short. It is imperative that you visit the doctor if any of the following apply to you:

  • – You have irregular menstruation
  • – You are over 40
  • – You are under 35 and have engaged in unprotected sex for a year
  • – You are over 35 and have engaged in unprotected sex for six months

Fertility issues are pretty sensitive so it is better to consult with the doctor whether you have ovulation disorder or other fertility challenges as this will directly impact the chances of pregnancy.