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Prolactin Level Test: Purpose, Levels, Procedure, Results, Treatments

A level of prolactin hormone present in the blood can elevate the risk of a person’s fertility.

Prolactin is the hormone produces in the pituitary gland based below the brain, which vivifies the production of breast milk in pregnant women or breast-feeding women. The level of prolactin hormone is high in pregnant women or in lactating mother. In certain conditions, it can be high even if you are not pregnant or even if you’re a man.

Usually, in female, prolactin level is less than 25-26 ng/mL and in male, it is less than 17 ng/ML. Above specifics are considered as normal level. This test is used to monitor the level of prolactin present in the blood whether it is high or low.

Our doctor may recommend you to undergo this test in order to foregather some more information about your health status.

When is prolactin level test recommended?

  • When you are facing infertility
  • Producing breast milk even if you are not pregnant
  • Irregular menses (periods)
  • Premature menopause (mostly before the age of 40)
  • Mastalgia i.e., breast tenderness or breast pain
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Discharge from nipples
  • Prolactinoma i.e., tumor that develops in pituitary gland
  • Any pituitary disorder or abnormalities
  • Erectile dysfunction in men

High prolactin level and low prolactin level:

Level High prolactin level low prolactin level
Normal Range:   In non-pregnant females, less than 25 ng/ml.

                                  In pregnant women: 80-400 ng/ml.

                                  In male: less than 16 ng/ml.

Meaning: When the level is extremely over normal range then it is known as hyperprolactinemia If the level is extremely lower than the normal range then it is known as Hypoprolactinemia. It is rare and a less concerned matter
Causes Breast-feeding, pregnancy, stress, Prolactinoma i.e., tumor that develops in pituitary gland, medications, kidney & liver diseases, hypothyroidism.


Drugs to control high level prolactin, obesity, smoking and other addictions, pituitary abnormalities and disorders, hypopituitarism.
Signs and symptoms In female: irregular or no menses, Pain during intercourse or sex, producing milk even if you are not pregnant, vision problem & Headache, excessive hair growth all over your body, infertility, less interested in sexual activities, muscle loss.


In male: Infertility, erectile dysfunction, in rare case enlarged breast, vision problem & Headache, shedding body or facial hairs, breast tenderness, bone and muscle loss, breast milk production, less interested in sexual activities.


In female: irregular or no menses, Pain during intercourse or sex, insufficient milk production, ovary dysfunction, anxiety, infertility, low immune system.


In male: Infertility, erectile dysfunction, Reduced libido, premature ejaculation, Syndrome X (Dysmetabolic syndrome), low immune system.

 How this test will be carried out? – Prolactin Level Test procedure

  • You don’t need to do any kind of preparation before this test
  • It is important to inform doctor about the past or current medications if any
  • Simply your blood will be drawn from the vein in your arm
  • You may feel mild soreness or little to no pain
  • There is bit risk involved while drawing blood in rare case, such as vein inflammation, little bruise, numerous punctures to locate vein, excessive bleeding if you have bleeding disorder, faint, hematoma etc. but these risks go away quickly

Results & Treatments:

Normal Level of prolactin

  • In non-pregnant females, less than 25 ng/ml.
  • In pregnant women: 80-400 ng/ml.
  • In male: less than 17 ng/ml.

Low level prolactin:

  • Low level of prolactin mostly need not to be treated
  • Can be overcome by doing such activities as, proper sleep, balanced diet, regular intercourse, improving sex life, exercise.
  • When the level is extremely low, then it needs medical actions obviously for that you need to consult the doctor first

High level prolactin:

  • Mostly considered when it is 30-35 ng/ml
  • Doctors recommend CT scan or MRI in this case to get detailed image of your brain
  • He may prescribe dopamine agonists such as bromocriptine and cabergoline to block the excess prolactin
  • Tumor is actually small and not exactly cancer, so it can be treated with medications
  • In case, the tumor is big, it may need surgery.
  • Sometimes no treatment is needed because even if there is high level of prolactin, the patient is still producing estrogen
  • Switch to healthy diet
  • Reduce stress level
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes
  • Vitamin B-6 and vitamin E are the best supplements to lower the level
  • Avoid High intensity workout and heavy weight lifting

If you are feeling any kind of symptoms and feels like you should consult a specialist. Then don’t procrastinate and contact us now to meet our specialist who will guide you about the tests and treatments. Your health is our Responsibility. Stay connected!