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With the scientific breakthrough, it is now possible to undergo painless, affordable and natural Injection free IVF at Sneh Hospital in Ahmedabad. Long Gone is the day, when people had to pay high cost for fertility medications, frequent blood draws and painful medications. IVF has become more natural with the passing of time.

Quick Overview

At Sneh Hospital, we take pride in presenting the low-cost non-invasive needle free IVF to our valuable patients for conceiving the way easier. It is quite natural fertility treatment that doesn’t force patients’ body to produce multiple follicles. Instead, it treats gently and stimulates the ovaries to boost egg production orally, vaginal suppositories and by nasal fertility medications. In a view of the fact that, overdose of drugs used in traditional IVF sometimes come up with poor quality of eggs and making it difficult to get pregnant. For us, our patient’s safety is priority and as a part of our commitment, we provide healthier and low drug approach to our patients. Our main focus is on the healthy and affordable treatment for all.

Injection free IVF is simplified and easy approach to get pregnant that every infertile couple can enjoy without being worried about the side-effects. During this running treatment, hormone level will be assessed via urine and saliva testing. In this approach, every fertility medication will be controlled orally and nasally. There are no requirement of daily blood draws now, patients can now enjoy a pain-free approach to get pregnant.

Benefits of Needle-Free IVF Treatment

This is the most feasible approach, when you have any below conditions:
Not able to conceive baby for a long time?
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