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Three Main Stages For Complete Menopause

The body of a woman undergoes various changes over time due to her complex and delicate reproductive system. The first ever turning point in her life is menarche, which means the very first period, since then, she set foot in childbearing age. Another turning point is when this window is closed by menopause that means […]
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Why Do I Experience Irregular Periods?

This is quite a common issue for women and teen girls. A good many girls start getting their periods prior 11 or 14, well it depends some girls start getting periods sooner or some get later. The first ever period is medically termed as menarche. Normal periods are the cycle of average 28 days. It […]
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Uterine conditions related to pelvic pain or bleeding

Most women ignore if they experience pelvic pain or bleeding as they consider it as normal. However, these can be the signs that something is not normal, there can be peculiar growth of the tissues inside the womb or uterus. Uterus is the major part of reproductive system consisting of various kinds of cells. Womb […]
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Gynecologist: When to Visit and What to Expect?

Gynecologists are the doctors who are specialized in dealing with women’s reproductive health whereas obstetricians are those who care for women during their pregnancy and even after the baby is delivered. Women’s reproductive system is pretty complex and it’s quite challenging to deal with the problems concerning with it. You may feel embarrassed or shy […]
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Pap Smear Test: Detect Cervical Cancer in Women

  Knowingly or unknowingly, everyone is suffering from the problems whether it is psychological or physical. Few are aware of their problems whereas some come to know when it begins getting worst. What if you know about your health issues from its very beginning? Nature has bestowed women with extremely delicate and complex reproductive system. […]
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