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How To Monitor Ovulation To Improve The Likelihood Of Pregnancy?

The ovulation phase of a woman’s cycle is among the most crucial ones for fertility. The developed egg leaves the ovary during ovulation. Ovulation usually occurs around the middle of the cycle, but the exact day can change. A woman who has irregular periods will also have irregular ovulation. Anovulation and irregular menstrual cycles are […]
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How Fertility Medications Are Used for IVF Treatment?

 Due to its higher success rate, IVF is the fertility therapy of choice for the majority of people and couples. IVF treatment has advanced thanks to fertility drugs. However, before doing so, each patient should determine if they are a good fit to take the drugs required for traditional IVF. Just flip through this write-up […]
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Positive Signs after an Embryo Transfer

After an embryo transfer, the wait until your pregnancy is confirmed feels like ever-lasting. You might feel nervous and anxious whether the embryo is rightly placed in your uterus or not. After this much patience and wait, it is obvious to expect positive results. There are some positive signs that indicate successful embryo transfer to […]
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How Successful IVF Sounds Like?

IVF is not just a treatment, it’s a blessing for many infertile couples! From the entire process, embryo transfer is the most important phase. After an embryo transfer, the wait until your pregnancy is confirmed feels like ever-lasting. You might feel nervous and anxious whether the embryo is rightly placed in your uterus or not. […]
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Chances of Twin Babies through IVF Treatment

The most beautiful thing is to bring the tiny beautiful soul into this world and the worst thing is to fail at this despite making such great efforts.  However, science has blessed infertile couples through ART Assisted Reproductive Technique. Among them, IVF is the gem of fertility treatments but it can lead to multiple babies! […]
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Ectopic Pregnancy: An Abnormal Location of Fertilized Egg

The most important thing for getting pregnant is a fertilized egg. But for successful pregnancy, implantation of the egg at the right place plays a crucial role. Normally, a fertilized egg is attached to the inner lining of the uterus. Whereas, an ectopic pregnancy is known as extrauterine pregnancy whereby an egg grows outside the […]
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Morning Sickness during Pregnancy: Know it All!

Hey beautiful mommies-to-be! It is pretty fathomable that you are excited about your baby but also going through a lot at the same time. No doubt! Pregnancy is the most beautiful thing in a mother’s life but that doesn’t exactly mean that all the experiences are pretty nice and enjoyable. Yes! A pregnant woman has […]
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How to Overcome PCOS to Get Pregnant?

PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, a hormonal disorder which is quite common in women at their reproductive age. Women with PCOS experience irregular or prolonged periods, heavier than usual sometimes. PCOS also leads to increase in androgen level i.e., male hormones excessively. Women with PCOS find trouble in getting pregnant or find various pregnancy […]
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What To Do with Remaining Embryos?

For the time being, couples with infertility or couples who want delayed pregnancy have multiple options to conceive as per their convenience. There are various fertility treatments such as IVF, IUI, fertility preservation etc. With the advancement in the field of medical science, couples have at least become stress-free about getting pregnant. Assisted reproductive technique […]
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Easy Steps to Give IVF Injections by Yourself

During fertility treatments such as IVF, IUI, or you are being treated with gonadotropins, the very first aim of our fertility specialists is to boost the fertility of women. For that, fertility drugs are given to the women in the form of subcutaneous injections or intramuscular injections. Subcutaneous injections are taken up below the skin […]
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