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Fertility Hindrances in Diabetic Men & Women

“Infertility has plethora of sources; Diabetes is one of them. Yes! diabetes is one of the factors contributing in infertility. Know what is it and how it gets one down to infertility!” Usually, in fit and healthy body, the hormone insulin is produced by pancreas gland which is present in abdomen. The released hormones regulate […]
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Knotty journey from thyroid to infertility

Before moving to the journey of infertility from thyroid, let’s make infertility and thyroid clear to you for better understanding! Thyroid gland is the butterfly-shaped organ in front of lower neck that releases hormones which administers metabolism and other essential functions in our body. infertility is inferred a couple’s inability to conceive in spite of […]
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Azoospermia: Everything from symptoms to treatments

Do you know what is azoospermia? Is azoospermia common? Are there different types of azoospermia? How will I know if I have azoospermia? What causes azoospermia? Is there any treatment for this? Azoospermia is a medical term, a medical condition where man has no measurable sperms in his semen. Azoospermia gets one down to male […]
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Oligospermia: Do you have low sperm count?

Oligospermia is a male fertility issue which is signalized by low sperm count. Low sperm count is often a reason behind male infertility. It particularly means that when you ejaculate the semen during orgasm, that fluid carries lower sperm than normal. When there is complete absence of sperm in semen then it is known as […]
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Prolactin Level Test: Purpose, Levels, Procedure, Results, Treatments

A level of prolactin hormone present in the blood can elevate the risk of a person’s fertility. Prolactin is the hormone produces in the pituitary gland based below the brain, which vivifies the production of breast milk in pregnant women or breast-feeding women. The level of prolactin hormone is high in pregnant women or in […]
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What Should I Choose- IVF or ICSI?

Are you stuck between scores of questions concerning IVF or ICSI? Is ICSI better than IVF? Which is less risky? From both, which has high success rate? Are they both same? What is ICSI-IVF? Should I prefer ICSI-IVF? IVF- it is an assisted reproductive process, where the sperms of male are kept with the egg […]
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Can Infertility be cured? – Know how!

  “A good many of couples often have a worrying question that “can infertility be cured?” so answer depends on the factor affecting their fertility. Some factors can be corrected by fertility treatments so couples become capable of conceiving naturally.” Know How! There are some factors of infertility which cannot be corrected anyhow but can […]
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