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Most Common Myths about Miscarriages

Miscarriages can be emotionally distressing and are undoubtedly difficult to deal with. Pregnancy loss before 20 weeks is referred to as a miscarriage. As sometimes, babies do not develop enough to survive. You are not the mere person facing miscarriages but there are many women experience this devastating hap. You may feel like it’s your […]
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Ectopic Pregnancy: An Abnormal Location of Fertilized Egg

The most important thing for getting pregnant is a fertilized egg. But for successful pregnancy, implantation of the egg at the right place plays a crucial role. Normally, a fertilized egg is attached to the inner lining of the uterus. Whereas, an ectopic pregnancy is known as extrauterine pregnancy whereby an egg grows outside the […]
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Morning Sickness during Pregnancy: Know it All!

Hey beautiful mommies-to-be! It is pretty fathomable that you are excited about your baby but also going through a lot at the same time. No doubt! Pregnancy is the most beautiful thing in a mother’s life but that doesn’t exactly mean that all the experiences are pretty nice and enjoyable. Yes! A pregnant woman has […]
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Can I Still Get Pregnant with Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a common medical condition in women. It is often a question from women that “Is it possible to get pregnant if I have endometriosis?” if you are also ferreting about this then you have stopped at the right place. Know everything about the relation between endometriosis and chances of getting pregnant right at […]
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How to prepare yourself before IVF? – Things to keep in mind!

Congratulations! Finally, you have made a decision and mustered yourself up for this battle. You might be feeling anxious or curious to know how this process will go? Will it be successful? How do I prepare myself before IVF? What should I keep in mind before this treatment? Don’t worry! You can catch out all […]
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Things to know before family planning

Forming a family is never a trouble-free task! It takes immense efforts, sacrifices and hopes which in turn gives whopping pleasure, happiness and a reason to live. Getting pregnant is one of the important decisions in couple’s life. Are you thinking about planning a baby? You may be excited but at the same time, you […]
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Prolactin Level Test: Purpose, Levels, Procedure, Results, Treatments

A level of prolactin hormone present in the blood can elevate the risk of a person’s fertility. Prolactin is the hormone produces in the pituitary gland based below the brain, which vivifies the production of breast milk in pregnant women or breast-feeding women. The level of prolactin hormone is high in pregnant women or in […]
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Bright to Light – The Diet, Facts and Other Essentials for Breast Feeding

Felicitations! Hats off to all the moms, who have gained magnificent triumph over the most critical stage of parturition. Task of mother was never that easy. From bringing up the child to performing the office chores, she carries out numerous duties. Among all the responsibilities, fostering a child is the most strenuous and fatiguing. But […]
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